Monday, August 20, 2012

Hotbernating. It's like hibernating but saucier.

If you've been feeling a little dead on the inside this month it's probably because I haven't been blogging as much.  Just kidding.  It's probably because it's August and the world is hibernating.  Hot hibernating.  Hotbernating.

It's not even that hot this month but whatever.  Mildbernating sounds totally fucking stupid.

When I'm not napping and eating my weight in salsa (the chosen food of Hotbernating) I've actually been rather productive around the house.  It's amazing what happens when you stay away from the internet for more than five minutes!

GPOY, obviously.  Except I don't hang gang colors off my ass.  Safety first.  

I've been doing some boring homeowner-y things like deep cleaning (who am I?), sanding doors (WTF is that even a real thing?) and prepping some furniture to paint (SPRAY PAINT IT ALL!).  If anything exciting results from those things I'll be sure to alert you immediately.

I'm keeping it light the rest of August so you can have plenty of time to google more pictures of Hilda - my favorite pinup by Duane Bryers.  I feel like we have the same thighs...  Or the closest my thighs will ever be captured in vintage fabulosity and that's good enough for me.

Maybe I'll finish the rest of my Hotbernating in a flour sack fatkini.  DON'T JUDGE ME!


  1. My nephew calls this seasonal sleepy snuggle time summernation. We love it when he is summernating because otherwise he's bouncing off the walls.

    1. Ahhh... summernating is a much better word! I'm going to steal it. Mwhahahahaha!

  2. Thank you for those pinups. Adorable.

    1. My pleasure. I desperately want to be Hilda's friend.

  3. Wait, I thought you were Hilda?!

    Anything that involves slumbering and food, count me in!

    1. Shit! I mean, yes that's totally me up there with the painting and cute chubby ass. Totally...

      Yay for nap eating!
