The epic battle between Madame Sunday and Mother Earth continues... After the flood of rain yesterday that I know was sent to drown me a murder of crows descended upon my yard to eat to warn me of my impending death. Even Charlemagne was more nervous than excited by a thousand crows in her front yard. But alas the greater power prevailed and it looks like I might recover: I put on pants today! Tomorrow - world domination.
Other than their possible foreshadowing of my own death I like crows. They feel traditionally folk, morbidly goth and graphicly modern which are all of my favorite things. Our culture sees corvids as scary and gross but other cultures see them as a sign of good luck. Foreigners are so weird. Wait... Maybe those thousand crows on my lawn are actually a sign of a huge windfall that is coming my way! Foreigners you are so smart!!
I'm gonna to try and make some of my own luck...
Picasso's Woman with a Crow 1904
For the record I was never the kind of smart goth who liked this kind of black bird:
I liked this kind:
So don't expect me to wax poetic about ravens and depressed Victorian dudes. Don't really expect me to wax poetic about anything right now because one of my prescriptions makes me stupid. No really. That last sentence took me an hour to write.
Sure, why not.
why do crows look so good in collage form?
All images from the tumblr blog fuckyeahcrows. I think the sole reason for tumblr's existence is to force hipsters to put all their awesomely weird shit into an organized space so I can look at it.
Gawd I love this room. But without the art...? Nowhere near as good.
Charley Harper's Crow in the Snow
I love you Anthropologie but $650?? Go fuck yourself.
Death Cab for Cutie album cover probably inspired by this...
Jeremy (Dom Deluise) from The Secret of NIMH
Because nothing is relevant to me unless I can relate it to some 80's childhood memory or useless piece of pop culture. Preferably both.