Tuesday, April 27, 2010

You can't make art without a little hoarding. So says A&E. And the internet.

Oxford Tire Pile #8 Westley CA by Edward Burtynsky from here

Doris Salcedo installation of over 1600 chairs from here

Streaming Books by Alicia Martin in Spain

Am I phoning it in today because I had to get my hair did or am I presenting a concise visual narrative whose brevity stands in stark contrast with the excess, consumption and waste represented in the images themselves? 

Y'all decide while I go inspect my summer highlights.


  1. May your inspection be rewarding.

    My highlights today included your concise visual narratives. The summer part hasn't arrived yet
    The final image evokes what happens when a building wakes up from a metaphorical night of over-consumption. Not that I know what that looks like. I absolutely never ever indulge to excess. Ever.

  2. Haha! Yeah - that library totally barfed. Rookie.

    I'm concercned that the highlight of your day included anything from this blog but I will take your compliment, reread it a thousand times and not ask questions. And in case you were wondering highlights=follicular halo of golden summer dreams.

  3. The first picture looks like the opening scene for Heathcliff (the 1980's cartoon cat).

  4. Thanks for trying to make this relevant for me with your 80's reference! It let's me know you're paying attention. ; ) Too bad I never watched Heathcliff and have no idea what you are talking about... that cartoon sounds sad though.

  5. Follicular halo notwithstanding, your ongoing monologues suggest otherwise. Which is cool (except the next morning). This just in: Rainbow gummi's added to the endangered list in ten states.

  6. Never watched Heathcliff? Where were you in 1984?

    Here's the opening:

    The scene to which I'm referring is the third scene, not the first. Guess my memory's slipping after 26 years...
