Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Sunday Set

This has been a terrible week.  For starters, I'm not at the beach any more and my favorite t-shirt from J. Crew that I bought in 10th grade has holes in it.  HOW WILL I GO ON???!?!  Don't say 'with a holey t-shirt...'

Perhaps a roundup of unrelated lifestyle pictures from Wit & Delight will help put back together the shards of my once beautiful, sandy, hole-free life.

Me and my mason jars are about to get. it. oooon with some cheap flowers from Earthfare this weekend...  Prepare yourself, Instagram, for mediocre pictures of wilting foliage.
Oh hello March.  I know it's technically winter but it's 75 degrees down here which means I'm wearing my big summer hats because my body tells me its summer I should dress accordingly.  And with flair.  But I'm only wearing them inside so nobody sees because my mother would literally break out into festering boils if I wore too summery an outfit before Easter.
If someone would drive me here it could be in a 1996 Ford Taurus with a sagging roof liner, I don't care.  

You could swing the Taurus around and drop me off here for a bit too.



I gotta wear more lace during this hybrid winter/summer freak season.  I don't think it would cause any horrible side effects to my mother...


I would rather lick the tire of the previously mentioned Ford Taurus than know that I was even in the same county as a bug but I am quite partial to beetles.  They're the most architecturally well-designed of all of Jeezus's disgusting creations.  

Sparkly things are kryptonite to bugs.  Truth.  They also give me unimaginable powers.  (of delusion.)



These would look great for any hybrid freak season.  I would prefer the heels be a different color (like neon yellow?!?!?!) so it doesn't look like I stepped in piles of dog shit but I'm not going to be picky because of the BLUE SUEDE HAWTNESS.

If someone would be so generous as to purchase them for me I'd gladly roll around on the hood of your 1996 Ford Taurus to suggestive songs.  

But please let me keep on my holey J. Crew t-shirt.  I'm very modest and dignified.

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