Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Welcome to my brain.

If there was ever an image that captured what 112% of my thoughts are it's this:
Ravished by Nadine Boughton, see more awesomeness here
blue, more blue, RED, vintage, MOAR vintage, pendant lamp, I want to steal one, they have a spare, shiny things, super retro awesome times, pattern on floor, pattern on wall, is that tile?, I don't care, what time is it? it's cartoon time! what fantastically weird moldings are in this place, Hollywood Regency, look at that hardware, AAHHHHHH, deathclaw, RAVISHING, boobs, kitty, RAWWWRRR, whiskers, pet the pretty kitty, is this collage alluding to pussy? stupid art school, more red, heeey sexy time, bow chicka bow meow, ew that's wrong, am I a racist if I'm against black-furred beastiality? hopefully not, am I just a normal perfect? definitely so, is there cheese in this house? can I get that hardware for the ModSauce Ranch? can I get a big plant and not kill it? can I name it Seymour? does Charlemagne need a contrasting friend? I should wear more red, ooh vintage, deathclaw...

It would be 117% my thoughts if it included something about Star Trek: TNG but I guess all artists can't be mind readers or have such great taste in '90s tv shows like me.


  1. AWWSOME!!!!!!!

    aka deb

    1. I know, right?! I think everyone should have their own personal collage artist.

  2. What does TNG stand for? I want to be in the know. Sort of. (Kymberly)

  3. Kymberly TNG = The Next Generation. As in not the original Star Trek but the better one;)

  4. I think a small comm badge sitting on the cabinet wouldn't be out of place.

    Husband-cat challenged my nerd/geek cred the other day because he's an engineer and thinks that gives him the edge. Silly man. I told him I had a phaser from the original Star Trek and he could feel free to step the fuck off. His jaw, it did drop. My pretty packaging hides an abyss of geekdom & nerdiness. I cover all bases like that.

    1. High five for secret geek cred. And where does one get a phaser from the original Star Trek and how come he's married to you and didn't know that? That should have been included in marriage vows!
