Well now he'll most definitely be the leader of the ninja division of the dance off! Watch out Britney!!
But wait... here's a whole new group of skanks who totally out-slut Britney. Sex Rehab with Dr. Drew!!!! Are you shittin me VH1???!!!!! It's like you took the best parts of Celebrity Rehab and just added more dirty talk, vibrators and crying. Yet another reason to love Sundays!!! While my (very small) sense of compassion is slightly piqued about obsessively ogling at the shame and horror stories of others it is in NO WAY enough to deter me from watching this mess or having dirty fantasies about Dr. Drew. (oddly enough also with wasabi and nunchucks)
So since you're being generous Mr. Goverment Man and Ms. Market Researcher I would also love to find an unlimited supply of sour patch kids delivered to me by a sexy ninja and a Saarinen tulip table. Just small things. But not the chairs. Please not the chairs.
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